Shivananda Yoga
The postures are organized in a logical order, affect all the chakras along the spine in the body, from the crown chakra on the top of head to the base chakra in the end of the spine.
Shivananda Yoga is a series of 12 postures: head stand, shoulder stand, plough pose, fish pose, half spinal twist, cobra pose, lotus pose, bow pose, spinal twist, crow pose, standing forward bend and triangel pose. Shivananda Yoga is based on 5 principles: correct postures, breathe the right way, relax the right way, proper diet, positive thinking and meditation.
Based on 5 principles: correct postures, breathe the right way, relax the right way, proper diet, positive thinking and meditation. Affect seven chakras along the spine in the body.
- Enhance strength and flexibility
- Benefit mental health
- Suitable for every age